Will you be at the ACTFL (American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages) convention in Washington DC next week? As you are planning your calendar, keep in mind that many of our We Teach Languages podcast contributors will be there as well. In fact, Maris Hawkins put together a Google Doc listing all of the sessions by WTL guests and contributors.

If there was a particular guest or episode that inspired you, you might be able to see them live and in person at ACTFL!


…keep an eye out for Stacey roaming around with her microphone trying to interview anyone who seems willing!!!

…and stop by the PEARLL language resource center booth to find out more about the resources they offer related to the podcast.

(BTW, if we missed anyone or any sessions by WTL contributors, please do let us know! With over 120 episodes, it’s a big undertaking to look everyone up. If we missed anyone by mistake, we want to fix it!)


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